Current Career Opportunities
at Blue Ridge TaeKwonDo

Looking for just the right fit — if you are motivated, high energy, super dependable, love helping people reach their highest potential, and enjoy physical activity… reach out to us!

Who We Are.
What We Stand For.

We’re a martial arts school here in Black Mountain focused on making our community safer, more focused, more disciplined, and helping kids prepare for success in life.

Our instructors teach with care and enthusiasm. Community is key for us. We’re a center for people to find lifelong friends and peers.

Our self-defense techniques keep people safe, while our fitness regimens make people fitter, more energized, and happier. 

Current Career Opportunities

Who We’re Looking For.

For all of our Career Opportunities, we’re looking for individuals who: 

✔ Care about their work, and want to improve their place of business
✔ Are friendly and great with people – instantly making friends and making people feel welcome, encouraged, and at home
✔ Are focused. When you’ve got a task to complete, nothing will stop you.
✔ Want to improve and get better. You take feedback well, because you’re eager to improve.
✔ Want to help others. You want people to live a better life, and understand that martial arts is a powerful journey to do just that.

Current Opportunities

Summer Camp Staff and Assistant Coach positions available: Competitive pay, wonderful students and clients, friendly colleagues, fulfilling work… ❤️
We can’t wait to meet you! 😍

Job Title

Camp Counselor

Job Description


Job Title

Assistant Coach

Job Description


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